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Welcome to UMUNARA

We are glad you took sometimes out of your busy schedule to check on us.
We are in the business of making disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations and to encourage them to obey His commandments. We believe that the Bible, as it is inspired by God, is the only instrument that helps us to know the will of God and to know where to get our salvation: on the Cross Jesus Christ paid the price on our behalf, imparted on us His righteousness and our responsibility is to impart on him our sins and to receive Him as our personal Savior.

Ku Munara duhura na Yesu: Abarushye n’abaremerewe bararuhuka, abarwayi barakira, Impumyi zirahumuka, ibipfamatwi birumva, ibimuga biragenda, kandi abakene baragezwaho ubutumwa bwiza (Yohana 11:5).

At Umunara, we welcome everybody regardless of their denomination; indeed whether you are a Christian or not please join us every Friday at 10:00 PM Eastern Time (USA & Canada) that is, 0300GMT at 1-218-548-0820, Pass Code 13579# so that we can be together at the watch and station ourselves on the ramparts (Habakkuk 2:1). This is not a toll free number! A calling card or a long distance plan required! For more scheduled events, please check on our calendar or just open this website and follow us on radio.


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